Company Profile

Established and developed in June 2008, ATHL is a company operating in the field of telecommunications and information technology. With a team of experienced, dynamic and creative technology experts, ATHL is capable of providing optimal solutions for business operations.

Our partners (ATHL) are reputable companies and corporations in the world such as Microsoft, Cisco, Sophos, Ribbon Communications, …


Our main operation areas

  • Providing comprehensive solutions in the field of telecommunications and information technology.
  • Provide SaaS solutions as Microsoft 365, Voice Cloud Platform, IoT Platform …
  • Research and provide new technologies such as Blockchain, IoT, AI

Our Goals

  • Creating solutions and products with Vietnamese brands to contribute to the development of Vietnamese technology.

Our Mission

  • Promote the development of Vietnam’s technology sector.

Our Vision

  • ATHL  develops into a large corporation to provide optimal technology solutions for businesses based on telecommunications, information technology, automation and energy.
  • Building ATHL to become a technology brand in Vietnam and on a par with major companies in the world.

Founder Team

Tran Anh Tuan
CEO / Founder

Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer

Bachelor of Business Administration

More than 15 years of experience in the field of telecommunications and information technology.

Lê Huy lai

Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer

More than 15 years of experience in the field of telecommunications and information technology.

Over 5 years of experience in financial management and operations.